8. Plaza del Justicia

If we walk along the Temple Street we arrive at the Justicia Square (Aragon medieval ombudsman), which was extended during the last years of the 19th century when the numbers 28 and 36 at Manifestación Street were demolished. During the 60`s of the past century, a small garden was built with the Samaritan Fountain at the center. This fountain was moved to La Seo Square, its original place in 1866. The fountain is composed of a female figure of about two metres high, which remembers more a nymph dressed in classic costumes than the biblical figure of the Samaritan. The sculpture was melted in iron in 1866 in Averly, Zaragoza, being the first work made in that factory. The figure is on a pedestal, surrounded by a stone circular basin that collects the water flowing down from the two vessels held by the samaritan and from several small jets -also in a circle- around the female figure.