Every year, art assaults the streets of Zaragoza

Marcos Cebrián

In Zaragoza, art isn’t just found in museums, official galleries or religious buildings. It floods the different streets and neighbourhoods to surprise you everywhere you go.

Of all the different types of outdoor art that can be found in Zaragoza, one of the most colourful and important, and the one that contributes most to the aesthetic transformation of the city as a whole, is street art. Murals have been appearing on the streets for years, reshaping spaces and offering residents a new way of looking at their neighbourhoods and the city as a whole.

Originally an American countercultural artistic movement in the 60s, street art appeared in Zaragoza in the 80s, created by small groups that have since multiplied over time. The work of these street artists is here to stay and has managed to win over the locals, who today appreciate the way it has transformed their surroundings in a new and spectacular way.

The general acceptance of this form of art by the people of Zaragoza is largely thanks to the Festival Asalto, que durante más de una década ha invitado a talentos de toda España y del mundo a plasmar su arte en muros, solares y estaciones de tranvía de nuestra ciudad hasta el punto de convertirse en un referente internacional en cuanto a eventos de este tipo, poniendo a Zaragoza en un lugar privilegiado del panorama del arte urbano. Because of this, the city can boast fantastic aesthetic, cultural and artistic pieces signed by artists from all over the world. And, better than that, they’re free to be enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.

According to the festival organisers, it’s a way of taking art out of museums and bringing it to where people are so that everyone can take part in the culture and reflection involved in creating and enjoying art.

Held annually each September, the festival has an even longer journey as the guest artists spend months preparing and refining their work before providing a first-hand explanation of the creative process. This way, locals and visitors can enjoy a learning experience and interact directly with the creators of the art that they’ll find walking around the city.

The activities that Festival Asalto puts on for the city’s residents and children help this form of expression to be shared and appreciated by everyone. As a result, Zaragoza has become both a huge canvass for expression and an enormous gallery for you to discover through its various street art routes and tours.

Video Asalto 2020

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