The Queen's English

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The Queen's English
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01-04-2019 19:00    Plaza Activa, Zaragoza Activa (La Azucarera)

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Interactive Talk:  The Queen’s English

Interactive talk - Moderator Benjamin Ansell presents a talk on the English language, how it has evolved in different parts of the world, why some accents are simply impossible and how you can improve your English voice.

Descripción: To explore the complexities of the English language and learn how to develop the English voice

Bi-monthly debates based on varying topics, providing varying vocabulary and language use.

Dirigido a: Minimum Intermediate: B1/B2 level English / Actividad dirigida a mayores de 16 años

Imparte: Benjamin Ansell, native teacher.

Horario: 19 a 20:30 h
Lugar: Zaragoza Activa La Azucarera.

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